New waiting period before a person can apply for a Record Suspension
(Changes effective on 2012-03-13. Result of Bill C-10)
5 years For a summary offenses: After serving the full sentence. The prison sentence, if any, should be served in full; Probation, if any, must be completed; The fines and fees must be paid. | By Summary offense | Examples of offenses:
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10 years For indictable offenses: After serving the full sentence. The prison sentence, if any, should be served in full; Probation, if any, must be completed; The fines and fees must be paid. | Offense by way of indictment | Exemples d'infractions:
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Those convicted of sexual offenses against minors (with certain exceptions) and those convicted of more than three (3) offenses punishable on conviction on indictment, to which they have had to serve sentences of imprisonment of two (2) years or more ... ARE NOT CURRENTLY ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR SUSPENSION OF RECORD